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Local4Global i-MOVE: Distributed Smart Mobility Tool

Everyday’s drivers can be greatly assisted so as to achieve significant fuel consumption/travel time savings without the requirement of additional hardware, sensor, or any other component installation, within the driver’s vehicle. All L4G Mobility Tool requires is a GPS-navigator/Smart phone that will be interfaced with the respective application software, which will run either on the GPS-navigator or in the driver’s smart phone. Using the GIS/GPS information provided within the GPS-navigator as well as additional GIS information and weather conditions (available either through the internet or stored offline), the L4G Mobility Tool provides to the driver recommended speed limits which will help towards significant fuel consumption/travel times reduction.

This tool can be also adopted by traffic management authorities so as to improve the global traffic network performance while operating at local junction/region level.

Even greater improvements and a more homogenized traffic control environment can be achieved when L4G Mobility Tools from drivers and traffic network management authorities are integrated and co-operating within a common framework towards achieving improvements at individual and global level too.

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