The challenge is to provide a sustainable ecosystem of robotics stakeholders covering the entire value network to facilitate and accelerate a broad uptake and integration of robotic technologies, and supporting the digitisation of industry through robotics.

Description of the solution

The ‘DIH^2 Network on Robotics for Agile Production’ aims to build a sustainable ecosystem of robotics Digital Innovation Hubs [DIHs] to facilitate and accelerate a broad uptake and integration of robotic technologies in the field of Manufacturing. The ‘DIH^2 Network’ is an inclusive initiative aiming to ensure that any manufacturing SME in Europe has access to a DIH at ‘a working distance’. Therefore an extensive Network of DIHs has been built to helps companies become more competitive by improving their business/production processes as well as products and services by means of digital technology. The ‘DIH2 Network’ will offer a full range of services to manufacturing SMEs such as testing and experimenting with advanced technologies, to manufacture innovative products or act as broker between user companies and technology suppliers. DIH^2 Network’ grounds on a strong consortium of DIHs to facilitate and accelerate a broad uptake and integration of robotic technologies, and supporting the digitisation of industry through robotics at European Level.

‘DIH^2 Network’ is looking forward to stablish a win-win cooperation with stakeholders, as you, aiming to foster the digitalization of European manufacturing industry

EU logo THIS project is funded by the EU

Full Title: A Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production
Funded by: EU-H2020, H2020-DT-2018-1
Start-End Date: 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2022

